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How does the ranking on Huizenvinder.nl work?

How does the ranking on Huizenvinder.nl work?

On Huizenvinder.nl we sort the housing offers by default on relevance. This means we use a combination of:


    Favorable square meter price - homes with an attractive price per square meter are rated higher.
    Popular supply - homes that receive many responses are considered sought after and rise in the ranking.
    Popular neighborhoods - we analyze which neighborhoods have the most interest (based on responses) and include this in the weighting.

Self sorting and filtering

You can always adjust the default order by sorting by:
✅ Price
✅ Date (newest at the top)
✅ Surface area
✅ Price per m²
✅ Distance from city center

In addition, filters allow you to refine your search results based on your preferences, such as rental price, property type and amenities.

No influence or personalization


🔹 No personalized recommendations - everyone sees the same order, we do not adjust rankings based on your search behavior.
🔹 No influence of seasonal trends - the ranking remains objective regardless of the time of year.
🔹 No paid placements - landlords cannot pay to get higher in the results.


This approach keeps the search results on Huizenvinder.nl transparent, fair and relevant for everyone.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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