
Reviews Huizenvinder.nl

Reviews Huizenvinder.nl

What do users think of Huizenvinder.nl? Read the honest reviews here!

Reviews tenants

Pieter Scholten



"I experienced the contact with huizenvinder.nl as very pleasant, each time I received new offers and always open to my questions, I can therefore highly recommend huizenvinder. I have now found my palace and am very grateful for the great help."

Verified tenant

Loes van Spreuwel



" User friendly site with a fine housing offer. Very satisfied with the service!"

Verified tenant

How do we collect reviews?

  • We ask tenants and landlords to leave a review after membership has ended or a house has been rented.
  • We check that the review meets our guidelines: no swear words, no personal information and no spam.
  • A review from a tenant will be posted only if the tenant has responded to a minimum of 10 properties. A review of a landlord will be posted only if the landlord has received a minimum of 10 responses.
  • Reviews that deal with failure to respond or find a property will not be posted. We are not responsible for failure to respond to inquiries by landlords and/or real estate agents.
  • We display all reviews, both positive and negative, as long as they meet the above guidelines.
  • We do not pay for reviews. However, users may (sometimes) have a chance to win a prize or compensation if they leave a review.