Apartment for rent in Alkmaar - Picassolaan
€ 1,215 per month
70m² - 2 rooms
Unfortunately already rented out
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Spacious 4-room family house in Heerhugowaard, available from the end of June. The house has a luxury kitchen with built-in appliances and a sunny garden with shed. On the second floor there are 3 be…
Unfortunately, registration for this apartment is no longer possible due to enormous interest. All communication will be via email. Interested parties must submit a completed application form with at…
Modern new construction project 'De Nieuwe Linden' in the heart of Heerhugowaard, on the Lindenlaan. Close to shopping center Centrumwaard and Middenwaard. Apartments of 60-69 m² built with sustainab…
Recently renovated townhouse located a few minutes biking distance from downtown in a lively neighborhood. The house can be rented with or without garage and features a backyard facing east, a sunny …
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