is the platform where tenants and landlords of housing find each other
On you will find the most extensive offer of living spaces. Your new place will be found in no time!
Create an alert and know immediately when there are offers that meet your personal needs. No more hours of online refreshing, just keep an eye on your email.
At you are guaranteed to find housing. Were we unable to help you? Then you get your subscription fee back without any hassle! collects the most up-to-date housing offers from a variety of sources, including landlords, brokers, platforms and social media. Through this integrated approach, we provide users with a complete and up-to-date overview of available homes. Our innovative technology ensures that you get easy and efficient access to the latest supply on the market, so you always find the right match for your housing needs. makes the housing search clear, fast and reliable.
" User friendly site with a fine housing offer. Very satisfied with the service!"
"The contact with is very nice. You get quick responses to your questions. The site is also very clear, so the information of the homes for me are also clearly put away. This already gives you a positive view of the property you can respond to. "
"I experienced the contact with as very pleasant, each time I received new offers and always open to my questions, I can therefore highly recommend huizenvinder. I have now found my palace and am very grateful for the great help."